Simple Speaker Crossover Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

The simplest crossover circuit usually occurs with the addition of a tweeter to a woofer. If the tweeter was a cone type with 8 Ω resistance, then a non-polarised 4.7 µF /50 V capacitor will provide crossover frequency of approximately 4000 Hz. This is the simplest type of network usually found in budget systems, and it usually sounds better that over-engineered expensive crossovers because there is minimal electronics to change the audio. You get almost everything that the amplifier produces without any part of the sound attenuated drastically.

Notice that the tweeter in this circuit operates in phase with the woofer; hence, their negative terminals connect to a common negative input. Although purists like everything to be in phase, many audiophiles like to operate their tweeters in anti-phase with the woofer because it is more noticeable, and there are many commercial loudspeakers operating like that as well.

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Simple Speaker Crossover Circuit Diagram