NAD T512 Chipset

The Pantera-2 LE / Plus processor chip is connected to IC301 (XC9572VL), which is the CPLD IO port. There is also an EPROM chip IC502 (93C46) which stores the firmware. This processor also requires a 32-bit SDRAM provided by IC304. The flash memory is IC3F1.

Back in 1992, the Pantera LE by Media Matics was the fastest embedded microcontroller ever designed. It still holds its own even today.

According to the markings on the PCB, the manufacturing date of this DVD player is 2002-09-16.

This is the famous LG chip.

This is the famous ESMT chip.

This is an Atmel chip. This one is also famous and well known.

This appears to be a programming port.
This Article Continues...
NAD T512 CD PlayerNAD T512 CD Player Review
NAD T512 Inside Look
NAD T512 Service
NAD T512 Main PC Board
NAD Laser Assembly
NAD T512 Chipset
NAD T512 Back Connectors