Panasonic SA-BTT270 Display Fault

The Panasonic SA-BTT270 has a small display panel at the front, and on mine, only half of the characters were appearing. Apart from this fault, everything else was working fine.

The top half that is working is very bright, therefore it cannot be a fault with the display power supply, because then the display would appear faded or completely dead. After checking the voltages, I concluded that the driver IC needed replacing.

Unfortunately, this driver IC is something that is difficult and expensive to find, and since I do not have the money to buy a replacement, I figured it was best left alone.

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Panasonic SA-BTT270Electronic Engineering
Inside View
Digital Amplifier Board
Power Supply Design
Power Supply Fault
Tray Not Opening
Heatsink and Fan
Panasonic Error F61
Display Fault
Back Sockets