Panasonic SA-BTT270 DVD Tray Not Opening
The Panasonic SA-BTT270 CD tray was not opening, however I could hear the motor turning, as if it was trying to open. After removing the front plastic panel and opening the tray manually, I was able to gain access to the tray motor and the drive pulley. Unfortunately, it was clogged with dust and the belt was slipping. I managed to remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner, however much of it still remained stuck to the belt. I then removed the belt, cleaned all the surfaces, and installed a new belt, and this solved the problem.
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Panasonic SA-BTT270Electronic Engineering
Inside View
Digital Amplifier Board
Power Supply Design
Power Supply Fault
Tray Not Opening
Heatsink and Fan
Panasonic Error F61
Display Fault
Back Sockets