DVD Player Laser Assembly

Laser Assembly

Here is the whole traverse unit. This is a platform with the laser assembly, focusing lens assembly, spindle motor, and sled motor. These are normally aligned and sold together and form the most critical part of the CD player. Problems with any one of the components on this platform can prevent the CD player from functioning properly.

Ribbon Cable

There is this wide ribbon cable that connects to the laser assembly. This one carries signals for the laser and the focusing lens assembly. These ribbon cables can sometimes become loose, or even crack. When that happens, one can expect the "NO DISC" error.

Focussing Lens

The laser-focusing lens sits on a dedicated platform that is rises or lowers. There is a voice coil and magnet arrangement, which moves the lens platform. Generally, the lens is a very reliable component; however, sometimes the CD player skips if the lens is dirty.

Traverse Unit.

Sankyo Motor

This is the Sankyo spindle motor.

Laser, Sled, and Motor Mechanism.

This plastic cogwheel mechanism is to drive the sled platform. There is a motor to drive this.

Sled Motor

Here is the motor which positions the laser sled platform. It appears to be a standard size motor.

This Article Continues...

Samsung DVD-E232
Samsung DVD-E232 Inside
Samsung DVD-E232 CD Transport Mechanism
DVD Player Laser Assembly
Samsung DVD-E232 Chipset
Samsung DVD-E232 Power Supply
DVD Player Stuck Tray
Samsung DVD-E232 Back Sockets
Samsung DVD-E232 Remote Control
Samsung DVD Player NO DISC Error