DVD Player Stuck Tray
A stuck tray or one that is not opening up straight away is very common amongst CD and DVD players. If a drive belt drives the tray mechanism then chances are that this problem will manifest at some point.
The problem is due to the drive belt slipping. Sometimes dust and debris from the outside can get into the mechanism and start this fault. Initially the belt slips just a little, however, the friction heats up the rubber in the belt causing it to become hard, which make it slip even more.
If the belt slips, then chances are that the CD clamp will not hold the CD either, and it will fly off when the CD rotates fast. This can cause further errors to occur such as the "NO DISC" error.
Replacing the drive belt is the only solution. Replacement drive belts found at places such as eBay normally cure this problem.
Replacing the drive belt in this one is very simple as there is enough access through the tray, which is great, as I hate having to take the tray out.
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