RAD750 Processor Architecture

The RAD750 has a super-scalar architecture allowing it to execute three instructions per single clock cycle. It can execute multiple instructions in parallel. Pipelining instructions in this way yields rapid execution times, providing a high throughput. It was the earliest processor to feature dynamic power management that selectively activated internal circuits as and when needed. It has three power-save modes, doze, nap, and sleep.
The bus interface and architecture are flexible providing a 64-bit data bus and a 32-bit address bus. There is also support for burst, split, and pipelined transactions.
This processor might be old but it is lean and sure packs a punch when compared to the modern day power-hungry transistor-bloated architectures. Combined with highly optimised assembly language code, it can certainly hold its own ground.
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RAD750 ProcessorPowerPC 750 Processor
Mars Rover Curiosity
Single Board Computer (SBC)
RAD750 Processor Architecture
Radiation Hardened
Mars Rover Power Supply