Olympus Trip 35 Aperture Assembly

Olympus Trip 35 Aperture

The Olympus Trip 35 has a pair of blades, which forms the aperture. These blades have been precision engineered with a fine gap between them. They slide over each other very smoothly, and any moisture would readily jam them. This page shows how to gain access to the aperture mechanism of the camera. There is a lens element directly above the aperture mechanism and blades, which requires removal first. This arrangement generally tends to be common in majority of 35-millimeter SLR film cameras. To gain access to the aperture there are three screws holding down a flanged collar with a lens in it. These screws require removal; however, on this camera they had rusted and required some android aftershave (WD40) to unlock them.

Plan View - Assembly

Plan View - Assembly

Here is the plan view of the assembly.

Zuiko Lens

Zuiko Lens

Here is an element of the Zuiko Lens.

Lens Flang

Lens Flang

The lens is inside this flange collar secured with screws.



This is what the aperture blades look like, the opening is roughly diamond shaped, formed by two very thin plates in parallel.

Blades Closed

Blades Closed

Blades Open

Blades Open