Olympus Trip 35 Gallery

Tabby Cat

The Olympus Trip 35 takes great photographs using ordinary cheap 35 mm film. I managed to find a large box of outdated film on eBay for just a few pounds, and I am getting great photographs with that. Photography need not be an expensive hobby, the problem is that many photographers feel that they need to have expensive overpriced film to get great photographs; however, this is just not true.

Here is a tabby cat I managed to find on the streets starving and eating out of bins. Her owner died and she was all alone, sad and miserable. However, I took her in and now she is a happy cat!

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Olympus Trip 35
The Olympus Trip 35 Basic Guide
Olympus Trip 35 Double Exposure
Olympus Trip 35 Film Compartment
Olympus Trip 35 Film Loading
ASA and ISO Settings
Olympus Trip 35 Zone Focusing
Olympus Trip 35 Specification
Olympus Trip 35 Aperture Settings
Olympus Trip 35 Gallery