The Olympus Trip 35 Basic Guide

The Olympus Trip 35 has a very simple and clean look on the top plate. To the left, there is the film-rewinding crank, which winds the film back into the cartridge.
At the centre, there is a cordless hot-shoe socket for connecting a standard sized flash unit. As you can see, the centre contact provides a control signal to the flash unit. On the right, there is the two-position shutter release button, which is the black button. Pressing this half way locks the aperture providing a light level reading. The little square window is the frame counter.
The Olympus Trip 35 Repair Manual page contains many photographs showing the inside of this camera. This might prove useful to anyone considering overhauling the camera.
This Article Continues...
Olympus Trip 35The Olympus Trip 35 Basic Guide
Olympus Trip 35 Double Exposure
Olympus Trip 35 Film Compartment
Olympus Trip 35 Film Loading
ASA and ISO Settings
Olympus Trip 35 Zone Focusing
Olympus Trip 35 Specification
Olympus Trip 35 Aperture Settings
Olympus Trip 35 Gallery