8 Pin DIP IC Socket

This is an 8-pin dual in-line package (DIP) socket, also known as DIP8 socket, which is used in the field of electronic engineering for making an electrical connection with through-hole eight pin integrated circuit (IC) devices. The dimension of the socket is usually 10.16 mm × 10.16 mm, and the pin spacing (pitch) is 2.54 mm. The contact plating us usually tin / lead, however high-end sockets may also have small amount of gold. Eight pin interconnect sockets are widely used in industry, and there are many solutions including ZIF socket versions.
The DIP8 sockets are one of the most widely used by students and hobbyists starting out in electronics.
They are extremely useful for use with 741 operational amplifier IC, and many low-cost breadboard projects.
These are available from many outlets such as Mouser, RadioShack, and Digi Key. The eBay rate is a bag of 30 for under £2.00 including postage. However if you need a large quantity then Farnell and RS also do some great deals.
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