SCR 850 Heads
![Audio Head](scr-850-heads/alba-scr-850-audio-head.gif)
The Alba SCR 850 is a dual-deck system however only deck B is capable of recording, and therefore only deck B has an erase head as well. The erase head is simply a piece of magnet, which engages the tape path upon pressing the record button.
![Top View](scr-850-heads/record-playback-head-top.gif)
![Front View](scr-850-heads/record-playback-head-front.gif)
![Erase Head](scr-850-heads/alba-scr-850-erase-head.gif)
![Erase Top View](scr-850-heads/erase-head-top.gif)
![Erase Front View](scr-850-heads/erase-head-front.gif)
This Article Continues...
Alba SCR 850SCR 850 inside View
SCR 850 Electronic Engineering
SCR 850 Graphic Equaliser
SCR 850 Heads
SCR 850 Repair