SCR 850 inside View


Looking at the inside of the Alba SCR 850, we can see that replacing the drive belt would require removing the dual-deck mechanism. However, above the deck mechanism, they have placed the tuning string mechanism. Luckily, undoing two of its screws and loosening one, allows the dual decks to slide out from under without having to unassembled the string. On this radio cassette, I needed to gain access to the reverse side of the dual decks to figure out why the take-up spindle was not turning. You can read in the following pages of this multi-page article exactly which part had failed.

Bridge Rectifier

Tuning Mechanism
String View

This Article Continues...

Alba SCR 850
SCR 850 inside View
SCR 850 Electronic Engineering
SCR 850 Graphic Equaliser
SCR 850 Heads
SCR 850 Repair