Hitachi SR-2000L inside Look

Electronic Engineering

The SR-2000L has very simple and elegant electronic engineering, which in many ways is the charm of a vintage piece of audio history. A straight analogue system with a mechanical input selector switch, and potentiometer volume control, tends to keep the signal pure and in its original form throughout all the stages. In contrast to modern amplifiers, they use audio switching ICs and DSPs, which often cause a loss of bass and treble, resulting in a very "flat" sound.


The 4558DX is a dual operational amplifier IC that is used for the RIAA preamplifier.

Bass - Treble - Balance - Pots
Input Selector Switch
Power Supply Section
Volume Control Switch

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Hitachi SR-2000
Hitachi SR-2000L inside Look
Hitachi SR-2000L Repair
Hitachi SR-2000L Tuner Design
Hitachi SR-2000L Tuning String
Hitachi SR-2000L Back Sockets