Sony CCD-V8AF-E Video 8

Sony CCD-V8AF-E Video 8

Deck Mechanism

The CCD-V8 was the first camcorder to use 8 mm magnetic tape (Video 8) format because the cassettes could be small. This was at a time when VHS and Betamax were competing to be the standard for home video cassette recorders.

Video 8 Tape Transport

Cassette Compartment

This product combined two separate technologies consisting of a camera and a Video 8 cassette recorder. Amazingly, the tape transport mechanism still works because they used cogwheels, instead of rubber surfaces, which would have worn out by now.

Tape Transport Mechanism
Video 8 Tape Spool

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Sony CCD-V8AF-E Video 8
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Battery
Sony CCD-V8AF-E eBay
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Review
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Repair
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Video 8 Tape Recorder
Sony CCD-V8AF-E Storage and Transport Case