Olympus OM10 Lenses

OM Bayonet Mount

The Olympus OM series of cameras uses the OM bayonet mount requiring a 70° clockwise turn, for which there is a wide range of Zuiko lenses. You can get fisheye, wide angle, super wide angle, zoom, telephoto, and special lenses for macro photography. Once you know how to take basic photographs using the standard prime lens, you may wish to experiment with different lenses to create interesting photographic effects. The main difference that all of these lenses provide is the angle of view. On one extreme, you have the fisheye lens, which provides 180° angle of view; whilst on the other extreme the super telephoto zoom lens has a 2.5° angle of view. The standard 50 mm lens usually has a 47° angle of view.

Zoom Lens

Olympus Zuiko lenses are exceptionally superior, however other firms also made compatible lenses. For example, I am using "Zoom - βIII", which is a 55 mm to 200 mm zoom lens made by the Sigma Company.

Page 41 of the Olympus OM10 manual shows a Table of Interchangeable Lenses listing all the lenses compatible with this camera.

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