3P9228AZZ System CPU

3P9228AZZ System CPU

The main system control CPU for the component hi-fi is 3P9228AZZ (also known as S3C9228, P9228, and 3S9228) manufactured by the Samsung Corporation. This 8-bit CMOS microcontroller is at the heart of the Hitachi AX-M140 component system. It is responsible for controlling all the component units through the serial bus interface. The designers located this device on a dedicated board within the DVD player unit. Without this board, and consequently the microcontroller, none of the other units can work alone.

Chip Function
System CPU

Although a replacement CPU IC is available, it would not have the necessary code in its ROM memory, and therefore the IC on its own is useless.

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Hitachi AX-M140 Hi-Fi

Electronic Engineering
Audio Output Circuit Board
Active Cooling System
Control Cable
Power Supply Repair

DVD Player
3P9228AZZ System CPU
System Control Board 1204D2-20

Music Bank
Digital Radio