Numark DM1090X Electronic Engineering

I/O Board

The Numark DM1090X shows signs of good electronic engineering design, which is probably the reason why it still works well today. The circuit layout and construction are to a high standard, and it uses some of the best components to achieve a good sound.

I noticed that the input/output board uses the M5218AL integrated circuits manufactured by the Mitsubishi Corporation. These are dual low-noise operational amplifiers, operating on split voltage rails. These are usually used in tape decks and stereo audio equipment.

Repair and Servicing

As you can see, the potentiometer slider controls are between the circuit board and the front black panel. In order to clean the controls, one first has to remove the front black panel, which exposes the chassis. They usually mount the pots to the chassis, hence these need disconnecting before the whole front PCB can come out.

I/O Board
Main Board
Mains Transformer
Power Switch

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Numark DM1090X
Electronic Engineering
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