Avometer Dial Glass Repair

Avometer Dial Glass Repair

It is very common for the glass to detach from the front panel due to the glue becoming dry. The glue usually provides an airtight seal and the retaining clips hold it in place. To repair this, one has to remove the meter movement assembly, remove the dried up glue, and then use new fresh glue such as a silicone sealer.

An old glass can turn opaque, and sometimes even warped, making it difficult to see through it. In these instances, it is desirable to replace it with a new modern clear glass. Unless you are an expert at cutting glass, it can be tricky as this one has a curve. There was a YouTube guide showing how to cut glass with curves, and I had a go, but it took three attempts before I had anything I could use. A glasscutter in India or China could make a good income stream by selling pre-cut glass for Avometers. Three pounds including postage would be very popular.

Cleaning the Surfaces

It is very important to clean the surfaces to make sure they are even so that the new glass sits properly.

Using Silicone Sealer to Secure the Glass

The dial glass requires securing with a silicon sealer to make an airtight seal, which will prevent moisture getting into the meter movement and damaging it. You need to apply a generous amount in an even layer all around the edges, and then secure it in place using the metal clips.

Securing the Glass

New Dial Glass Installed
Replacing a Broken Dial Glass
Cleaning Away Excess Glue

You can always remove any excess sealer with a cloth.

This Article Continues...

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