Palm Vx Will Not Turn ON – Troubleshooting

Usually the Palm Vx requires a three-hour charge before you can use it. However, if you have charged it for that long and it still does not work, then you need to confirm that the charger adapter is operating. Is there power going to the cradle, and does the cradle light illuminate.

Dead Battery

The early lithium-ion battery required a top-up charge in order to remain in an operating condition. If you have stored your unit away for many years without charging it then chances are the battery may be dead and require replacement.

Faulty Power Button

Faulty Power Switch

A common fault with the Palm Vx handheld was a faulty power switch. It was a strange design where you had to push the plastic button down, which would press a switch to the side. Even on a new unit, it appeared as if it was broken. Occasionally, the switch remains stuck and will not switch ON the unit.

This Article Continues...

Palm Vx Review
Palm Vx Reset
Opening the Palm Vx Back Cover
Palm Vx Battery Replacement
Palm Vx Chipset
Palm Vx Battery E17A
Palm Vx Digitizer
Palm Vx Cracked LCD Glass
Palm Vx Battery Drain Issue & Mods
Palm Vx Charger Adapter
Palm Vx Will Not Turn ON – Troubleshooting
Palm Vx Accessories
Palm Vx Modem
Palm Vx USB Cable
Palm Vx Factory Reset